What is Colonic irrigation?
Colonic irrigation (colon hydrotherapy) is the gentle infusion of warm filtered water into the large intestine (colon) via the rectum. The water is infused under carefully regulated pressure through modern equipment. When the colon has taken enough water, the therapist will gently massage the area to encourage the water to move through the length of the colon. The water will then be emptied from the colon, again through the equipment, bringing with it the impacted waste matter, which has accumulated over the days, months, and even years!
Who needs the treatment?
Just about everyone! Health begins in the colon and so does illness. Taking colonic irrigation will help Irritable Bowel Syndrome, flatulence, bloating, digestive problems, headaches and migraine. You will feel more energized; your skin will become clearer. Often pre-existing conditions that appear to be unconnected will disappear. Recent research has found colonics to be most beneficial for those suffering from M.E. (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) and Candida. As you can see; health really does begin in the colon. Colon toxicity can be the underlying cause of many of these commonly reported health problems:
Constipation | Headaches | Hemorrhoids |
Backaches | Arthritis | Allergies |
Diarrhea | Distended Abdomen | Bad Breath/Halitosis |
Skin Problems | Chronic Fatigue | Asthma |
Irritability | Depression | Prostate Trouble |
Difficult Weight Loss | Frequent Colds | Hypoglycemia |
Insomnia | Food Cravings | Abdominal Gas |
Hypertension | Foul Body Odor | Menstrual Problems |
Can colon hydrotherapy help relieve specific symptoms or conditions?
Most definitely. Colonics are of great benefit to conditions involving compromised digestion and elimination, such as constipation, diarrhea, gas, and bloating, indigestion, yeast infections (Candida), diverticula, intestinal parasites, hemorrhoids, and irritable bowel.Colonics can also be extremely valuable in alleviating symptoms associated with allergies, asthma, acne, eczema, psoriasis, arthritis, rheumatism, osteoporosis, poor circulation, high cholesterol, headaches, low energy and fatigue, memory loss, poor concentration, anxiety, irritability, depression, lack of sexual desire and weight gain.